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Service philosophy

Based on customer satisfaction, serving you wholeheartedly

-Before sale-

① Accept your inquiry, clarify the size of the enterprise according to your needs, and show the plan for setting up a factory;

② Show the project design and production process design plan for you;

③ Strongly recommend the equipment purchase plan that suits you;

④ According to your unique needs, product design;

-On sale-

① Assist you in the acceptance of equipment engineering;

② Assist you to develop the preliminary design and engineering construction design plan;

③ Carry out equipment inspection and maintenance training for your technical actual operation staff.

-After sale-

① Create customer files, grasp the application address, operation status, telephone return visit time and contact number of the equipment sold; freely assign technical professional staff to the spot to guide customers in specific installation and adjustment;

② Announce the equipment customers whose warranty period has expired; and inform the equipment maintenance key points on time;

③ Carry out data analysis on product quality and service project problems to improve quality service projects.